About Us

Who we are

Instituto Peabiru is a Brazilian NGO classified as a Civil Society Organization of Public Interest (Oscip), with 25 years of experience, with the mission of fostering the protagonism of social groups in the Amazon to promote full access to their fundamental rights. Based in Belém, Pará, it operates preferably in the Amazon biome. In the state of Pará, special attention is paid to three regions: Greater Belém, Marajó and Northeast Pará.

Our mission

Foster the role of social groups in the Amazon to promote full access to their fundamental rights.

How do we act?

  • Participatory research, reflection and decision-making processes – action research
  • Good project management practices
  • Security in institutional processes (compliance)

Our intervention approach

  • Action research
  • Territorial approach
  • Gender and youth perspective
  • Networks of socio-productive actors
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Collective construction of knowledge

Areas of expertise

  1. Amazon Value Chains
  2. Social Protection
  3. corporate social action
  4. Biodiversity conservation

Discover our projects

https://peabiru.org.br/projetos (In Portuguese, with automatic translation available)

Other english content on Peabiru activities

Activities Annual Report 2022 [New!]
Amazon Nectar Project
Life for a Better life Project


Mail: peabiru@peabiru.org.br
Phone: +55 91 3222 6000

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